Monday, 1 August 2016

Finding a Dating Agency

To date, we have not pulled such a fish from the tangled waters of that fishery. My first attempt at angling Magic Reservoir came in the winter. My mother had recently gone ice-fishing at the reservoir with coworkers, and subsequently enlisted my services to fillet a five-gallon bucket full of perch. A six pack of beer, a sore back and five hours later, I learned to be more guarded when someone utters the words "did you tell me you can fillet?" ED Reverser Review I had been catching decent numbers at other regional lakes, and decided to try my luck at Magic. Not only did I receive minimal action, the bites came sporadically and were light enough to make me wonder if I was getting bites or suffering the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder. After 3 hours and 1.5 (small) trout later I stumbled into the lodge to defrost, only to discover that I had been missing a great football game. I ran across an old family friend from Sun Valley, and he enquired as to why I had been fishing during a snow storm when the play-offs were unfolding on live TV at a bar on the lake over-looking the ice. I had no reasonable answer.

Our next attempt at angling Magic Reservoir came about a year later during a low water year. My wife and I had been catching good numbers of fat perch at nearby Salmon Falls Reservoir, so we thought that we could pull a respectable stringer of fish from Magic. We were wrong. After moving around the reservoir and exhausting all possible access points, we only managed to produce a few stunted, miniature perch.Leap forward one year. My beautiful bride was itching for some outdoor adventure. It was early spring, and the ice was off most of the local reservoirs. She said, and I quote, "Why don't we give Magic a try?" You need to understand, up to this point all of my wife's camping experiences had been within the luxury of a 28' RV. To pull off this excursion, we would need to enlist my 10 year-old family tent. So we made way for Magic in the old truck with a canoe, a flat-water kayak, and some second-hand camping gear. The weather couldn't have been better, and we were optimistic about conquering the fish Gods of Magic Reservoir.

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