Friday, 28 October 2016

Dedicated Music Channels

Walter Braunfels was one of the most revered German composers during the 1920s, but when the Nazis came, they stripped him of his job as head of the Cologne Conservatory. He was so attached to Germany, his home, that he converted to Wholetones Chroma Catholicism and stayed there throughout the war, living a quiet life and protected by the community on the German side of Lake Constance. His string quartet reflects his feeling of isolation.Braunfels went into a cocoon and kept to himself until his death in 1954 because even then it was dangerous being half Jewish.

Like many other Jewish composers who suffered during the war, these three spoke their home language and were concerned about their families. Some of their colleagues died young and some simply vanished, while others emigrated and found that they had to accept menial jobs because their reputations were not the same abroad as in their home country. The revival of their music by Pro Musica Hebraica is key to the preservation of the entire repertoire.Drum and Bass has enjoyed a high level of popularity in the United Kingdom as well as in other parts of the world since the 1990s.

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